How to Pass Through any Critical Test for New Moms

Hello Friends!

Few weeks ago I shared with you my personal suggestion for being a perfect guest in visit to a newborn family. 

This week I enjoy myself in figuring out some suggestions for new moms for being perfect and for avoiding any criticism about themselves. In addition, in an absolutely ironic way, I figured also thought about some suggestion for not being hated by the moms friends who are not mums yet.

Let’s see what I’ve thought!

When a new baby borns, he/she and his/her family are put in a sort of magnifying glass by a lot of people around them. Among these people there are some person who are not really friendly, actually there are some people who love to badmouth about the woman who just begin mom.

For saving the moms from this despicable people, and for being absolutely perfect in this amazing life event, I’m going to share with you some suggestions useful for this purpose.
Key Word: Being organized! Try to manage all that you can before the birth date. The reason is easy: after that date you do not have a loto of spare time for taking care about good manners, all your time will be devoted to your wonderful child! This is the way it is!

  • Few months before the birth date, thinking about buying some gift for the guests who will visit you the weeks after the delivery of the baby. You shouldn’t spent a bunch of money, you can buy something like little paper or plastic boxes with some sugared almonds. If you are good in embroidery you can also make tiny bag filled with sugared almonds, during your pregnancy months. With few money you can have a great result!
  • You also should buy in advance something to eat and drink and store it in your apartment for the days after the delivery. In this way you can offer something to eat and drink to all your guests! This is not nice to have nothing to offer to the guests!
When Mum Came Back Home With the Baby:
  • You should arrange the visit based on your real possibility, and do not care about resend a visit! Resend a visit is probably the best idea when you are too tired for hosting guests or in the circumstances in which your baby need your completely attention.
  • For avoiding any type of criticism, try to have a good aspect when someone will come to you. Please notice that it doesn’t means that the mum should have a perfect hairstyle and makeup, but at least to not show up with a pijama!
  • If your guest give you a gift fr the baby, it will be nice to unwrap the gift in front of him. In the same way if the gift will be an envelope with money, you should read the congratulation card but not compute the amount of money!
  • Of course there will be some persons who want to tell you how you should take care about your baby. In these circumstances the best answer to this people will be: the pediatrician told me to do things in this way!

And now 4 topics to avoid with your friends who are not yet begin mums.

  • The poop color! We know that the color of the baby’s poop is really important for understanding if the baby is healthy or not. In the same way , moms should understand that for their Not mommy yet, the 50 shades of poop it is not a great and lovely topic to talk about!
  • Delivery details! It is emotional to hear about your the feelings you experienced during the delivery. This not means that we want to know each single detail about this!We really don’t want to know yet what has gone one behind the scene!
  • The Breastfeeding. The nursing moment is for those of us who are not mums yet a lovely, cute and in some ways poetical moment… If you, mom, shares with us or shows to us the bad conditions  in which your boobs are now during  the breastfeeding… Trust me it is not nice as well!
  • Moms groups on social media: as the name suggest these are groups for moms only, so please do not invite or include us in those group! For us who are not yet experienced the maternity the topics in this groups are weird and scary and some of you seems crazy to us!

I think that is enough, this is what I thought watching and listening my friends who are moms and the ones who aren’t. I hope you enjoy this post and you can take some good suggestion from it!

As usual this is not something too much serious, it is only my ironic point of view about the world and of course it is absolutely persona!

What about you girls? You who are not yet begin mom, do you think I forgot something? Let me know in the comments box below and on my social pages, what do you think about this post and if you think that I missed something!

Stay Tuned!

Tricks in this post: 
1. Some advice for being not suitable of criticism
2. 4 topics to avoid for not being hate by your friends!

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