Halloween is coming!

Hello everyone!

Have realized you too that halloween is coming? Some clues? The streets are full of a bunch of pumpkins, monsters anche witches and spider webs everywhere, TV advise full of scary costumes and  food with horrifying name… and what about the cinema?…. BOO only scary movies which provide an heart attack! So…. I have to talk me too about this! I think I could have some good advice to rock your Halloween!

Today Halloween is a worldwide holiday, but do you know the real meaning of it? What is hidden behind the night of “trick or treat”?

Halloween origins

At the beginning Halloween wasn’t an USA Holiday. It was born from an ancient celtic festivity called Samhain. Samahins is a kind of New Year Day a switch between the end of nice and bright season and the beginning of the  cold and dark one. Irish believed that rapa cavain Samhain’s night, the night of 31st October, the border between lives and death worlds fallen down and the spirits could walked free on the ground. In this night farmers performed rituals of fire and animal’s sacrifices during which they wore scary masks and use a sort of lantern made from turnips hollow. Out of the house’s door, people left food and milk for the spirits who visited their relatives and turnips lamp to indicate to them the way home. Obviously also evil spirits walked on the ground, for this reason the farmers wore scary costumes to frighten them, or to confused with them and not be harassed

The Christianization tried to cancel most of pagan festivities or changed the pagan festivity in religious festivity. In the same years the Church proclaimed a single All Saint Day the 1st November and the commemoration of the dead the next day. But Irish protected their Samhain and its name was changed in All Hallows Eve (in contracted form Halloween).

zucca1In XIX century, Irish migrated massively in USA and imported all their traditions including Halloween. Across the years Halloween changed a little bit to fit itself to the new peoples, the new resources and the new society. In this years Americans replaced the turnips with the pumpkins. Pumpkins were easy to find, bigger and hollow and for this reason it was easier to carve them.

Halloween in our days

During the years, we lost the original meaning of Halloween and now it is a consumerist holiday. The traditional masks are replaced by more common costumes like witches, monsters and everything revolves around the world of the occult, but someone use also superheroes masks and movie and comics characters. Maybe this change was the reason why Halloween became one of the most exported festivity all around the world.

Ok…. now we know more about Halloween but….

How we prepared to Halloween?


Halloween in our days

The first task is the costumes. Every year in USA people spend 2.5 billion of dollars in Halloween’s costumes. But I think that it could be possible to have a scary look also without spend a bunch of money.

The second task is: How to have a perfect own Halloween party? Which is the best menu? Which are the best games and the best and cheaper house’s decorations?

If you are interested in the answers of the questions above

Stay tuned!

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