Hello Everyone!
Today Halloween is a really participated holiday, not only in the USA but in all the rest of the world. Every year we have a lot of parties and parades in the city, but the most important in NYC is the Village Halloween Parade (here some info for partecipate Village Halloween Parade). This year is the 42nd edition and the theme is “shine a light”. I love lights and lanterns! I really like to involve myself and my apartment in the mood of the parade.
Even if this year I will not host any party at home, I really like do some DIY project to give a dress appropriate Halloween in my house. What about you? Halloween is coming, and don’t you have any home decoration for it? No panic! In this post I’ll propose you some DIY decorations easy and quick to realise.
Keywords: Shine a Light!
Using only the stuff I have at home, I dedicated some time to my fantasy, I imagined lanterns and lights, I drew these, I colored this, I made some craftworks designs… It is a really good idea for distressing myself! I’m really proud of some of my works. I’m sure that images speak better than words in this case, so today I propose a little bit different kind of post.
Let’s see what I’ve done!
1. Brown Bag lantern
I love play with the lights, changing the shades or the shapes of light, manipulating the light…
For this project you need: brown bags, a bradawl and a pencil, and huge fantasy of course!
2. Bloody Hand
Every time I make a project, I have several ideas and variation of that. Based on the brown bag theme, I added a scary colored detail…. Come on! It is Halloween Time!
3. Metal Holes
Lights crossing tiny holes… It could be a good idea with different materials. I tried with metal using empty cans! I think the result is really pretty! Remember to use led light or electrical candle to avoid burning…
For this project you need only: empty cans and bradawl and colors.
4. Scary Bright Jars
For this work I used empty glass jars.
You need only: jars, vinyl glue, toilet paper (or a kleenex), acrylic colors and patience. You have to wait that the jar is completely dry before pass to the next steps. In any case this is a really simple project!
5. Ball of Spiders!
This is one of my favorite works. There are a very few things that can’t be done with vinyl glue and toilet paper! If you add a balloon… everything get’s cooler!
For this project you need: balloons, vinyl glue and toilet paper, acrylic colors, cotton thread and some fake spiders. I would like to create a disgusting stuff…. I don’t know if I done it, but I really like my work!
6. You Are Been Watched…
Starting in the same way I showed in the previous project, I was looking for a different results using only acrylic colors. I think I will not use it like a lantern but like a bowl for sweets.
7. Cheers
At last but not least, my favorite project! This year I will not have Halloween party at home, but I reserve for all my friends my house a little surprise in their glasses. About the candelabrum, the idea to realize the spider web with hot glue it was an accident, but such amazing idea!
For this project you need:an empty wine bottle, a candle, the hot glue and a fake spider. For created scary ice you also need: fake plastic spiders added to the water in the ice container.
That’s it for today!
I hope you like this post!
The next post will contain other tutorials, but I’ll talk about makeup! I’ll spend some time talking about easy and quick look that fits with every Halloween’s night!
Stay tuned!
Trics in this post: 1. 7 different tutorials of DIY replicable works
Have you already read the previous posts about Halloween?